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8 months ago by Clive Dunne
Aptitude Test

Online numerical, verbal and logical reasoning examinations are becoming more and more popular with prospective employers. These methods of evaluation are used to quantify a candidate’s skills when it comes to structured and systematic ways of thinking. There can also be a time element involved which may be indicative of conditions a candidate would be expected to perform under if securing future employment. In particular, electronic tests are becoming the standard procedure for organisations that draw a large volume of applicants.

Electronic examinations can discover particular skill-sets and abilities related to a specific occupation. By comparing the answers and choices of candidates an employer can quickly select those most suitable to their sector. This information is then assessed to determine who will go forward into the next stage of the interview process. Although many aptitude tests relate initially to numerical and literacy skills, it is not unusual for employers to attempt to discover deeper and underlying traits in prospective employees. In this context, some tests will ask a candidate to evaluate a scenario which they may experience during employment. Some of these situational judgment questions are derived in order to evaluate psychological thinking within social anxiety situations and are particularly relevant to careers within law enforcement, the medical profession and social work. A candidate’s answers will often reflect potential teamwork and leadership skills 

In most circumstances a candidate will be told in advance when the exam will take place and so, as in face to face interviews, will have an opportunity to prepare. There are some differences in terms of how to prepare for an online examination however. Participants may be asked to use a calculator and a pen and notepaper. An environment conducive to a formal examination may also be specified, such as a quiet room or a place where a candidate will not be interrupted for the duration of the exam. Finally, it is worth remembering that in most circumstances once an electronic exam has begun it cannot be interrupted, so a good network connection is imperative in order to maximise the chances of a fully completed test being delivered.